May 28, 2024
The Dreaded S Word 1

*Warning: Topic of Suicide

In an ever expanding social media movement to censor the use of the word suicide, it’s more important than ever for people to openly share their story.

We’ll get nowhere by asking people to alter their words to make it more digestible for others.

Thank you to our writer for putting words to their experience, in an effort to let someone else know they are not alone.

Suicide is one of shame and guilt in our society. You are feeling so disconnected from society as a whole. You are hopeless. You are feeling so many emotions that you cannot deal with them yourself. It is so dark; like you are in a deep abyss swimming with no life vest.

You want to trust someone but cannot trust with your darkness. Society says you are a coward if you want to end your life. It is more that someone is in distress and cannot handle it alone.

That is where we as a society can be more compassionate towards people. We can not stand by and sweep it under the rug. Too many people slip through the cracks of actually ending their lives. The numbness you feel is too common.

If you are feeling any signs please reach out for help. There is no shame. It is okay to ask for help. There are many resources available to get the help you need. It is okay. You are wanted. You are loved. You do matter. You have gifts and talents that the world needs to see.

I have experienced it myself. It is no pretty subject to talk about. First and foremost, something that has helped me is using “I feel ____ because of ____” statements. Journaling. Music can help you say your feelings instead of describing them.

It helps a person just to sit with them and to listen to them. Ask them what they need at that time. Counselling has helped me a lot with difficult issues. I have seen my worst days and my good days. I am a survivor.

My faith has played a big part in keeping me going to continue with life. Keep fighting you will eventually get to your rainbow and things will get brighter for you.

– Naomi Z