Everyone benefits from a healthy workplace. When people feel valued, respected and satisfied with their job in a safe and healthy work environment, they are likely to be more productive and committed to their role.
Workplace Wellness programs and information that promote physical and psychological safety should be a part of all healthy workplace strategies.
For more information on workplace wellness check out the CMHA Saskatoon Wellness HUB or see our currently offered community presentations.
Community Presentations
Mental Health in the Workplace (1 hour)
This session includes an introduction to some of the common mental health problems in the workplace, how to reach out for support and how to provide support to our co-workers who are struggling. The goal is to reduce some of the fear, shame, embarrassment and judgement we may face in the workplace that prevents us from seeking the support we need.
Stress in the Workplace (1.5 hours)
Every single one of us will be faced with a challenging situation at some point in our lives, these challenges often come with the experience of stress. In the workplace, this has a significant impact on mental health, job satisfaction, physical safety and productivity. Unfortunately, stress is something that most of us can’t avoid, but we can learn how to respond and reduce it in healthy ways.
In person and virtual presentations are available, some general mental health topics can be offered, please contact Chalaine at csenger@cmhasaskatoon.ca for more details.