More than Mamas

Having a baby brings about all kinds of changes – physical, emotional, mental, social, and even spiritual.  It’s easy to lose yourself in these changes and your new role as Mom.  This six-week discussion-based group will explore these changes and provide support and education on how to cope.

May 21st – June 25th

  • 6 weeks
  • No cost
  • Tuesdays: 10 am – 12 pm
  • Babies aged 2-4 months
  • Location: CMHA Saskatoon
  • Transportation provided if needed
  • Registration and referral required

Discussion topics:

  • The fourth trimester
  • Balance & body image
  • Relationship changes & boundaries
  • Expectations & mom guilt
  • Moving forward

For more information or to self refer please contact the More than Mamas Facilitator:

Chalaine Senger
306-384-9333 ext. 223

Funding for More than Mamas provided by:

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