April 28, 2021
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Are you are finding it difficult to keep up with the pandemic precautions? Are you experiencing a lot of fear and worry about your safety? You are not alone. 

What is Fatigue?

Our experience of fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness or weakness, when our physical and emotional energy is depleted.  We are likely needing to sleep a lot, get frequent headaches, have impaired decision making or most often become increasingly irritable.  This irritability that most of us begin to experience is one of the major warning signs that we are fatigued, we no longer have the energy to be patient, understanding or compassionate to others or situations we find ourselves in.  As a result, we begin to lash out at those we care about; our friends, our family members, our support persons and as a result creating conflict, anger or animosity in these relationships. 

Fatigue & Depression: Am I experiencing depression?

When our physical body is fatigued, we often feel our mood drops, we have trouble finding the energy to continue to participate in activities we enjoy.  So, the question enters our mind, am I depressed?  We can experience fatigue as a symptom of our depression, but just because we are fatigued does not mean we now live with this diagnosis.  Our experiences of depression are often more persistent, lasting longer and we struggle to gain relief from our low mood, while our fatigue should be lifted when we take the time to rest and relax.  Therefore, if we can remove some of our life stressors and create balance again for ourselves, we can find our energy again. 

Why is this not working during COVID?

The circumstances surrounding COVID have left us with a complex and complicated set of emotional experiences.  On one hand, we are worried for our physical safety, on the other hand, the fear and isolation are taking a toll on our psychological wellbeing.  We are fatigued, but it seems that no matter what we do, this fatigue is not lifting, nothing works.  This is because as more time passes the deeper this fatigue becomes; it continues to leave us feeling unbalanced and our needs as human beings are not being met.  We continue to try and adapt, but it does not feel right, it is confusing, and we still experience uncertainty and fear. 

What is Languishing? The absence of well-being….

It has now become apparent that this state we find ourselves in is languishing, leaving you “devoid of promise, purpose and delight.”  No matter what we seem to do or how we choose to adapt it does not feel like enough, we still feel stagnated, joyless and not looking forward to the future.  Just “blah” or “meh.”  So knowing this….what do we do now? Try and find progress.  

A place to start:    Find Small Wins. Focus on small goals.

How To Write SMART Goals (With Examples) | Indeed.com

How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic | HuffPost Canada Life (huffingtonpost.ca)

Watch this video for full story:  Feelings of pandemic apathy may be defined as “languishing,” report says – Bing video

If you know someone who is languishing, reach out for help. 

supports & resources.