
How do I build resilience?

There are many things we can do to promote our resilience on a daily basis here are a few places to start:

  1. Learn to relax.
  2. Practice thought awareness.
  3. Edit your outlook.
  4. Learn from your mistakes and failures.
  5. Choose your response.
  6. Maintain perspective.
  7. Set yourself some goals.
  8. Build your self-confidence.
  9. Develop strong relationships.
  10. Be flexible.

Am I a resilient person?

We are all resilient, we have resiliency within us, but we want to be able to choose to use it in ways that are healthy. 

Some examples of resilient characteristics:

  • Holding positive views of themselves and their abilities
  • Possessing the capacity to make realistic plans and stick to them
  • Having an internal locus of control
  • Being a good communicator
  • Viewing themselves as fighters rather than victims
  • Having high emotional intelligence and managing emotions effectively

Where does our resilience come from?

Every time we are faced with change, we can acquire new skills that promote our confidence for coping with that change.  However, many of us often view change as a negative occurrence in our life, this creates anxiety and apprehension, so we avoid facing changes at all costs.  This negative view of change influences our ability to effectively problem solve and make decisions for ourselves to move forward through the changes.  We must focus on the positive potential that change has in our lives, this is much more fulling and meaningful for our mental health. 

Change is inevitable, and often rapid.  While we can admit we do not always like change we can be more flexible than we give ourselves credit for.  By working through this change, we grow, gain a sense of control and ultimately become more resilient.

Is there financial support for someone living with a mental illness?

Check out the following links for income support in Saskatchewan:

SAID (Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability)

SIS (Saskatchewan Income Support)

*SAP & TEA end in Summer 2021 to become SIS

What supports groups are there for mental health?

Check out this resource page.

What is a psychoeducational assessment? How do I get an assessment?

  • assessment of intellectual, academic, behavioural and/or adaptive skills
  • identifies strengths and areas of need
  • can identify:
    • learning disabilities
    • giftedness
    • intellectual deficits
  • can screen for:
    • ADHD
    • speech and language difficulties
    • mood disorders
    • developmental disorders, etc.

Provided By:

Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan
  • Includes assessments for both adults and children
  • Cost – $1500
  • Contact: 306-652-4114
Private Psychologist
  • Possibility of a high cost
  • Search “psychoeducational assessments saskatoon”
  • More information
U of S CAIRS Program

Counselling Assessment and Intervention Research Services (focus on children/ youth)

Abilities Council

Assessment Services are provided throughout the province as part of the enrolment process for:

  • The Saskatchewan Assured Income for People with Disabilities (SAID) program;
  • The Cognitive Disability Strategy through the Daily Living Support Assessment; and
  • Community Living Service Delivery day programs through the Day Program Support Assessment.
  • More information

      Contact: 306-569-9048

Occupational Therapy

Saskatoon Health Authority

Community Adult Recovery Service
Contact 306-655-0463

Should I talk to my doctor about my mental health?

Yes. Check out this resource page for more information.

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

Learn more here:

*keep in mind if you are looking for more than just medication management it is important to include a psychologist as part of your support team.

How do I get connected with a therapeutic counsellor?


Benefits – Check with your workplace about health benefits that cover  counselling through private offices (ie. $400 reimbursed for psychology services or social work services)

EFAP – Employee & Family Assistance Program – provides short-term access to counselling at no cost to the employee or their family members.  Ask Human Resources or Group Benefits Administrator for how to access this support

Private Counselling – If you are able to pay out of pocket or your health benefits cover access to a social worker or psychologist, search counsellors in your area.  Consider…

  • What are you looking for? Anxiety, depression, grief, relationship conflict
  • Location? Rates?
  • What are their qualifications? Social worker, psychologist
  • What area do they specialize in? individuals, families, couples, youth
  • What approaches do they take? Talk therapy, play therapy, visual  

Online Counselling? Free?  – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, primary focus is on anxiety and depression. More information at the link below              

Homewood Health – Free Online Counselling


What do I do if I know someone who is having suicidal thoughts?

If this is an emergency, call mobile crisis 306-933-6200 if you believe someone is a risk to themselves or others. 

Additional Supports:

National Crisis Hotline

First Nations Wellness Line


Sask Health Authority: MHAS

Mental Health & Addiction Services 18+

If the person is willing and able, another option is to attend the emergency room at the Royal University Hospital.

For more information:

Centre for Suicide Prevention

What is a mental health warrant? When and how should I get one?

A mental health warrant is a means of requiring an individual to receive a psychological assessment, even when they do not want to voluntarily do so. 

This means that whoever the warrant is written for, they will be picked up by police, taken to the hospital and will be required to stay until a psychiatrist has completed an assessment. 

Why would this be needed?

The individual…….(must include all listed below)

  • is experiencing symptoms of a mental health disorder
  • is refusing to seek medical attention
  • a risk to themselves or others
  • their state of mental health has been deteriorating 
  • needs inpatient treatment to manage symptoms

Contact us for more information, including the process of gaining a mental health warrant: 306-384-9333

What support is there for family members supporting a loved one living with a mental illness?

Check out the following links for supports and information:

Family Service Saskatoon

102, 506 – 25th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 4A7

Individual & Group

Sask Health Authority: MHAS

Mental Health & Addiction Services 18+


333 4th Ave North
Saskatoon, SK

Friends & Relatives of People with Mental Illness

More information on our family resource page.


Where can I find employment support in Saskatoon?

Check out the currently offered employment programs in Saskatoon, if you have further questions contact us.

I am ready to return to work, what do I do now?

  • Keep Health & Safety as a top priority.
  • Collaborate & Communicate.
  • Patience & Understanding
  • Review & Re-evaluate as needed.
  • Take connected with personal supports. 

The workers responsibility is to tell the insurance company that he or she wants to return to work as soon as medically safe.

The worker should take an active role in developing the return-to-work plan with the insurer, employer, and physician.

The worker should seek additional resources (e.g., addiction services, counseling, etc.) if they are having difficulties following a work injury. Asking for help if needed is an important part of the recovery process.

Finally, the worker should communicate his or her return-to-work plans and progress with family and friends. This will help provide accountability for the worker, as well as a strong support system during this difficult time.

How do I know if I am ready to return to work?

Often when we have left the workplace, we gain a sense of ease and relief, this lasts for a while, but then the worry begins to set in again as we start thinking about going back to work.  We may experience the same fear, uncertainty, shame and doubt that we had when we first decided to step away from our workplace.  It is important that this process is done well and in collaboration with your employer, but how can we be sure we are ready to go back……?

Check out this return-to-work story to see some of the questions we may ask ourselves about being ready or not.

What happens when we need to take a step back? Will I get fired? Should I just quit?

Each time we find ourselves in a difficult situation in our workplace we need to make the decision that is best for us.  Sometimes we feel like if something changes it will be better, sometimes we must take a break and sometimes we need to remove ourselves completely.  We should never have to feel like we need to “just put up with” or “just deal with” a workplace that poses a threat to our safety and well-being.  There are potential options for support that you can find in the workplace.  To know if you have some of these supports available here are some questions to ask:

Are you unionized?  Talk to your shop steward about what is happening at work and what some options may be available.  This is a good person to ask because conversations are meant to be kept confidential and private. 

Can I take sick leave? Sick time is set up differently for each workplace.  Some places to check for this information are hiring packages or collective agreements.  If you are having difficulty finding the information you need, find out who might be the right person to ask…. supervisor, manager, boss, human resources, etc.  You don’t need to feel like your personal circumstances are everyone’s business, it does not need to be public knowledge that you are considering a sick leave.  You have a right to be able to take time when you need it, and it is important to understand how we can access that time. 

Long-term or short-term disability? Check to see if this is covered by your health benefits, it will outline what is required of you (medical forms, etc) and how much income to expect during your absence from work.  If you do not receive health benefits, you may be eligible for Unemployment benefits.

What happens if I feel unsafe at work?

If we are feeling unsafe at work there are a few places to start, the following include information we may need to protect both our physical and psychological safety. 

Occupational Health & Safety

Most workplaces are responsible for following a set of guidelines to keep everyone safe, these rules can vary province to province, so it is important to be aware of what is required in your workplace. 

A committee for occupational health and safety is responsible for ensuring these guidelines are met, if you ever have any concerns look for a OH & S member.

Psychological Health & Safety

The occupational health and safety legislation includes the protection of our psychological well-being but in 2013 the Mental Health Commission of Canada took it a step further and launched a national standard focused on psychological well-being in the workplace.  However, this standard is currently voluntary compared to OH & S legislation that is often required or mandated.

Can you provide assistance with a workplace conflict or dispute with employer?

Yes, we are here to answer questions, provide resources and information on how to access the appropriate resources.  Topics for discussion: Disability, SAID, accommodations, conflict, sick days, roles and responsibilities, Disclosure, human rights, mental health in the workplace, psychologically safe workplaces WCB.

Find more information on our resource page or check out the following links

Work Safe Sask

Do you have vocational assessments?


A series of assessments that look at an individual’s interests, values and abilities to determine career preference.  Two out of the three are self-paced, the third is a 40 min timed test.  Contact us for more information.

All available online assessments.

Career Exploration Tools:

Support & Services

Is it safe to donate online?

Yes it is! Online giving is quickly becoming one of the easiest ways to donate to CMHA Saskatoon. Rest assured that our credit card and personal data is safe. All donations are put towards CMHA programs and projects that are committed to supporting the mental health needs of our community.


Who can I talk to about my mental health?



Mobile Crisis

103 ‒ 506 25th St East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 4A7

Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service

Sask Health Authority: MHAS

Mental Health & Addiction Services 18+

National Crisis Hotline

CMHA Saskatoon

1301 Ave P North
Saskatoon, SK
S7L 2X1

Email Contact Copy Email to Clipboard



How do I donate to CMHA Saskatoon?

Click here to donate.

Here are some other ways to donate.

For any further questions contact Margot at 306-384-9333 Ext. 228

Do you provide advocacy?

We strive to advocate for the individuals participating in our programs to ensure access to the supports they need to promote positive well-being.

For more information on advocacy contact SASK Division.

SASK Division

2702 12th Avenue
Regina, SK
S4T 1J2

Email Contact Copy Email to Clipboard


Provincial CMHA Branch

What is MHFA? How do I register? Is there a virtual option?

Find out more about Mental Health First Aid training here.

To register for a course, check out our upcoming dates on the Wellness Hub.

Interested in nature and mental health? Check out this course: Mental Health Wilderness First Aid. (not provided by CMHA Saskatoon)

How do I participate in the life skills or employment support program?

More information about how to participate in our programs here.

Or download a referral form below.

Life Skills

Employment Support

Is there supportive housing for individuals living with a mental illness?

Mental Health Approved Homes – Saskatoon Health Authority Residential Services

A licensed home under the Mental Health Services Act that provides residential services for individuals living with mental illness.  Each home is required to adhere to the regulations of the Mental Health Approved Home Operators Manual and is kept in order by a designated Home Operator (also living in the home). 

The goal is for residents to feel:

  • safe from physical and psychological harm;
  • accepted by others;
  • free to express oneself; and
  • understood

For more information contact 306-655-4590

Saskatoon Housing Coalition

Recovery focused residential services to individuals who are experiencing
lifelong mental illness symptoms and may also be struggling with a substance use issue.

​The program delivery model is to offer affordable housing options in conjunction with community based support services to support individuals to live independently within a place that they can call home.

Group Homes & Supportive Apartment Programs

Referrals self-referral or from family, friends or health care professionals.


Contact: 306-655-4979

What inpatient options for mental health are there?

Dube Centre Saskatoon: Acute care for adults and youth.  Admission is for individual experiencing severe mental health symptoms that require inpatient management.  The support provided includes:

  • Activities of daily living
  • Assessment-physical and psychosocial
  • Coping skills
  • Crisis
  • Family
  • Family support
  • Goal planning
  • Group programming
  • Liaison with community resources
  • Medication administration/monitoring/education
  • One to one counseling
  • Patient education
  • Proactive crisis intervention
  • Safe, structured environment
  • Transition and discharge planning

Admission requires a psychiatrist to sign a Form A, or direct admittance resulting from a emergency room assessment.

Sask Hospital (North Battleford, SK)

A provincial facility that supports individuals who require longer-term psychiatric rehabilitation.  It also provides a secure wing for offenders living with mental health problems. 

Admission is done through referral by a psychiatrist.

Calder Centre – Residential Treatment Saskatoon

A adult program offering support for individuals recovering from substance use, addressing the social, psychological and biological. This is not a detox centre.

Contact 306-655-4200

  •  4 weeks stay
  • Counselling and education
  • Gender specific treatment
  • Admission is through a referral made by a addictions counsellor

Bridgepoint – Residential Programming for individuals living with an eating disorder  (located in Milden, SK)

Participants can self-refer but need the support of a doctor or counsellor, there is no cost to the program. 
Contact 306-935-2240

MASCI – Metis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan

Inpatient treatment is a 28-day residential option for adults. Inpatient service provides an abstinence-based healing environment where individuals can focus on recovery from substance addictions. Referral and completion of assessments are required. 
Contact: 1-877-652-8951

Prairie Sky Recovery (Wilke, Sk)

They offer a selection of residential evidenced-based, trauma-responsive addiction recovery programs treating the disease of addiction using a relational approach to recovery addressing the whole person – physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Duration is 5 weeks to 90 day treatment plans. (Costs associated with the programs)
Contact: 1-888-519-4445

Homewood Health Health Centre’s: Out of Province, private facility. 

What community presentations do you offer?

Find a list of our currently offered presentations here

Do you have programs for youth?

Our current programs involving youth include:

Riding the Wave: An online self-paced course, providing information for youth about mental health topics and resources.  Check it out here.

Partnerships with Bedford Collegiate, E.D. Feehan High School and Nursing students who provide support in both the high schools and elementary schools.  This partnership includes sharing of information, resources and items that promote overall-wellbeing for students. 

What programs do you offer?

Our current programs are vocationally focused, participants work towards developing knowledge, skills and abilities to support their employment goals and needs as well as maintaining good mental health practices.

Check out our programs page for more information.  

Are there free or low-cost counselling options in Saskatoon? How do I access this?

Here are the following options….drop in, over the phone, in person, appointments, one time sessions, find a location and time that works best for you….or check out the new online booking site for free quick access counselling sessions (virtual and in person)

Family Service Saskatoon

102, 506 – 25th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 4A7

Individual & Group

CFS Saskatoon

506 25 St E
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 4A7

Individual & Group

Sask Health Authority: MHAS

Mental Health & Addiction Services 18+


How can I support someone with isolation and loneliness?

Older adults are at increased risk for loneliness and social isolation because they are more likely to face factors such as living alone, the loss of family or friends, chronic illness, and hearing loss. Loneliness is the feeling of being alone, regardless of the amount of social contact.

Reducing Isolation of Seniors Collective

Government of Canada – Social Isolation of Seniors

Isolation of Older Adults in Rural Areas

Where can I find support & resources for seniors?

Government of Saskatchewan Services – Senior Services

Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health

Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry – Resources for Caregivers

Saskatoon Health Authority – Geriatric Evaluation and Management Services

Mobile Crisis

103 ‒ 506 25th St East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 4A7

Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service

Sask Health Authority: MHAS

Mental Health & Addiction Services 18+

What is senior abuse?

Senior abuse can be defined as “a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person”. Elder abuse can take various forms such as physical, psychological or emotional, sexual and financial abuse. It can also be the result of intentional or unintentional neglect.

Warning Signs

  • Physical abuse can be detected by visible signs on the body, including bruises, scars, sprains, or broken bones. More subtle indications of physical abuse include signs of restraint, such as rope marks on the wrist, or broken eyeglasses.
  • Emotional abuse often accompanies the other types of abuse and can usually be detected by changes in the personality or behavior. The elder may also exhibit behavior mimicking dementia, such as rocking or mumbling.
  • Financial exploitation is a more subtle form of abuse, in comparison to other types, and may be more challenging to notice. Signs of financial exploitation include significant withdrawals from accounts, belongings or money missing from the home, unpaid bills, and unnecessary goods or services.
  • Sexual abuse, like physical abuse, can be detected by visible signs on the body, especially around the breasts or genital area. Other signs include inexplicable infections, bleeding, and torn underclothing.
  • Neglect is a type of abuse in that it can be inflicted either by the caregiver or oneself. Signs of neglect include malnutrition and dehydration, poor hygiene, noncompliance to a prescription medication, and unsafe living conditions.

If you suspect any abuse, contact mobile crisis.

Mobile Crisis

103 ‒ 506 25th St East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 4A7

Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service