working man

Our Vocational Counsellors assist individuals with mental health challenges to obtain and maintain meaningful employment, volunteering opportunities and complete further education or training.  The goal is to work collaboratively with each other to increase employment potentials and promote positive well-being. 

Holistic Approach  

  1. Competitive employment is the goal
  2. Continuous and comprehensive assessment
  3. Attention to client preferences
  4. Rapid job search
  5. Provide and establish support services in the community
  6. Time-unlimited support

Areas of Support include:

  • Resume development and cover letters
  • Exploration of employment options and preferred work environments
  • Assistance with interviews
  • Assistance accessing further education or training
  • Information & assessment for any required work accommodations
  • Assistance with developing professional and personal supports

How to participate?

Complete the Employment Referral form below.

If you have any questions contact us at 306-384-9333 or

All submitted information is kept private and confidential. 

Employment Services Referral

Part 1: Client Information


Part 2: The Referring Agency

Part 3

Do you want to work? Or does this person you are referring state they want to work?
Are you/they already working
Are you/they involved with any additional community support?
Are you or is the person you are referring, able to work at this time?
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