July 6, 2023
Copy of Green Modern Hello Spring Facebook Post

As summer unfolds, it brings with it a unique set of stressors that can challenge our mental well-being. From travel planning and social commitments to financial pressures, it’s important to equip ourselves with effective coping skills. Below, we will explore five valuable coping strategies to help you navigate summer stressors, foster resilience, and bring awareness to your mental state.

Manage Expectations
Summer can be filled with expectations of constant fun, adventure, and socializing. However, it’s important to set realistic expectations for yourself and avoid overwhelming commitments. Learn to say no to activities or events that you genuinely do not have the energy or desire to participate in. Prioritize your well-being and give yourself permission to rest and recharge when needed. Remember, it’s okay to set boundaries and prioritize self-care over external pressures. Instead of committing to something in the moment, try saying something like “I’ll get back to you about that” to give yourself time to digest the information.

Practice Mindful Socializing
Social events and gatherings may be more frequent during the summer months, which can be overwhelming for individuals managing mental health diagnoses. It’s important to engage in socializing mindfully and set boundaries that protect your mental health. Be selective about the events you attend and consider the size and intensity of the gatherings. Take breaks when needed, step outside for fresh air, and have a trusted person to confide in if you feel overwhelmed. Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your well-being by declining invitations or opting for smaller, more intimate gatherings.

Stay Mindful of Triggers
Summer can expose individuals with mental health diagnoses to various triggers that may exacerbate symptoms. For example, social events, crowded spaces, or excessive noise can be overwhelming for some people. Identify your triggers and develop strategies to manage them effectively. This may involve planning downtime, using relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation, and setting healthy boundaries.

Stick to a Routine
While summer often brings a break from the usual school or work schedule, it is crucial to establish and maintain a consistent routine. A structured daily routine helps individuals maintain stability and provides a sense of control over their lives. Set regular wake-up and bedtime hours, plan activities, allocate time for self-care, and include exercises, meals, and medication routines. A well-structured routine can help manage symptoms and provide a foundation.

Seek Support and Stay Connected
Maintaining a strong support network is vital for managing mental health, especially during the summer when feelings of isolation can arise. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support groups who can provide a listening ear and understanding. If professional help is needed, don’t hesitate to schedule therapy sessions or speak with your healthcare provider. Remember, you are not alone in your journey, and seeking support is a sign of strength.

Everyone’s journey is unique, so adapt these tips to your specific needs and seek professional help if necessary. By prioritizing your mental health, you can make the most of the summer months while taking care of yourself.