August 22, 2023
Adam Blog Post Image

It takes time to get well. It doesn’t happen overnight, or in a matter of days. It can take a really long time.

Adam was eight years old when he began to struggle with his mental health. Since then, he’s met challenges head on and is one of the most resilient people you will ever meet.

Adam was introduced to CMHA Saskatoon nine years ago when he took a Life Skills Class taught
by Peter. It was the first offer of support he was provided in the community. He recalls taking part in the work portion of the program and feeling as though he was worthy of working in the community, that he had value.

Over the years Adam took part in many CMHA Saskatoon programs including the anxiety support group, the vocational counselling program and the one to one WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning) program. His most recent accomplishment includes a floral design course that he took in Calgary. Thanks to funding from the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training, we were able to provide funding to cover the costs of the course.

Adam and his family headed to Calgary last fall where he immersed himself in the floral design course.

Upon returning to Saskatoon, Adam worked with Bart, our Job Developer at CMHA. Together they worked on a resume and at the first flower shop they stopped in to, Adam felt at ease and at home. Since then, he has been creating floral designs and spending time learning and honing his craft.

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Floral Design by Adam, 2022

“I didn’t know that I would be here when I was 8 years old.”

Looking back over the years, Adam remembers many lonely struggles. At some points, he couldn’t see past the day in front of him. At eight years old, he couldn’t imagine that his life would turn out to be this full of love and connection.

To date, Adam has made 350 floral arrangements. Almost one for every day of the year!

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